I helped pack and I even helped with the driving. Daddy never wants to stop. He just keeps driving and driving. A girl needs a break every now and then, ya know.
Our first excursion was to the Highland Lighthouse in North Truro. It was the first of many cold and foggy mornings. But as you can see that didn't slow us down.
Thanks to Grampy for coming to visit us on vacation. He brought us to the ZooAquarium where we learned about all the different animals.
We also visited Skaket Beach with Grampy. I liked this beach because it's on the bay side of the cape where there are no large waves. It's great for us kids!
Just calling my friends at school to let them know how much fun I'm having.
Grandma and Grandpa Joe also visited us. We went to the beach so I could play in the sand and jump in the water.
Grandpa Joe kept making sand castles for me to destroy.
Grandma and I had fun splashing in the puddles on the beach.
Mommy and Grandma had fun too.
Here are some other cool places we visited while in Cape Cod.
You have to play mini golf if you're in the Cape.
We did some shopping in Chatham well, Mommy and Daddy tried to do some shopping, but I just wanted to run in the park.
We made sure to have fun on the rainy days as well. One rainy day we went to Bonkers Party Zone for some fun. It was great. They had a underwater-themed climbing wall and...
...the coolest (and fastest) slide I've ever slid down.
We went to the Cape Cod Potato Chip Factory in Hyannis for their tour. The tour was not that good, but the free chips and bucket of chips Mommy and Daddy bought me were.
This post wouldn't be complete without showing some of my funny faces and my new found love of carousels. Did you know that Hyannis has two of them! One in the mall and one on Main Street. I made them bring me to both. And Gramdma and Grampa Joe brought me back to the one on Main Street while my parent went on a date...gross.
Boy I tell ya, all this traveling and blogging makes a girl tired.
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