For the longest time now, everyone has been telling us that we need to go spend some time on Beaver Lake. We've hiked on trails that provide views of the lake and I've even gone with Haley down to some of the parks that border the lake and provides swimming access. Lake access is only thirty minutes away, but without a boat or so much as a canoe, we haven't had the chance to really experience the lake.
Well thanks to Robert and Shannon (Shannon is Renee's former boss from Marketing Drive) we were given a tour of the lake and had the chance to swim in some of the coves. Haley had a blast! We all had a great time. Thanks for taking us out on your boat.
Here is a description of the lake from a website: Beaver Lake, completed in 1966 and nestled high in the Ozark Mountains, is located in northwest Arkansas, The 28,370-acre lake is the first of the impoundments created in Arkansas and Missouri along the lengthy White River system.
Taking advantage of the natural scenic beauty, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has constructed a variety of recreational facilities. Paved access roads wind through 12 developed parks. There are 2,008 acres of campgrounds and over 650 individual campsites. Visitors can enjoy such conveniences as electricity and fire-rings. Drinking water, showers and restrooms are nearby. Other facilities -- picnic sites, swimming beaches, hiking trails, boat launching ramps, sanitary dump stations, group picnic shelters and amphitheaters -- are also available in the parks.
With 487 miles of shoreline highlighted by limestone bluffs, Beaver Lake offers a world of recreational opportunities. Marinas and outfitters are plentiful. Cabins, resorts and other lodging ring the lake, and campgrounds are also available in good number.
Haley and Connor relaxing while we motor out to a swim spot |
Haley enjoying the view |
Katie standing proudly on a rock that she swam to |
Robert and Connor at the helm |
Haley getting the Princess treatment |
Heading back to the marina, and completely exhausted |
Thanks again guys for such a great time!
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